Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Love My Happiness!!!

Today, I woke up smiling! amazing isn't it? Today I knew would be a great day. I wanna say something to my friend Erin, I love her. She's just so Great! She can always make me smile. I'm so glad she's in my life right now! And I also wanna say something to my friend Danielle. She's always there for me when I'm down. My friends are just.... There's not any other people like them. I'm going to be conceded for a moment... YOU CAN"T HAVE THEM!!! haha I love My friends Erin and Danielle.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sunshine and Friends

Today it was really sunny. I went to a wedding yesterday. it was really beautiful. But anyways today we went to the park, me and three friends of mine went. It was all good till I started getting really irritated. So we came home and I started coloring (I know, who youngish of a fifteen year old), anyways, i was using these color pencils and my friend walks up and starts yelling at me for using them because she was using them two days ago. Messed up? I know. Sometimes I doubt that were even friends you know? I mean my treatment graduation is really important to me, and ever since we hit the one month left, she's been acting really, odd. Can you tell me why? I can't seem to figure it out. I'm lost when it comes to our friendship. My other friends are proud of me, why can't she be? Why can't she just tell me how she feels? It's starting to kinda make me angry. Well, its almost dinner and I need to go blog about something else. Please comment why you think she's acting this way, or email me at luarissatwyford@gmail.com thank you.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Something I don't get is when people get blogs to blog about life then leave there blog there and don't even like cancel the account. That bugs me only because when you really like their blogs and you want to comment but you look at their last post date, and it was FOREVER ago and so now you don't want to comment because you know that they will never see that comment unless they finally remember their lost blogging account. Does that bug you too? I don't really know why, that bugs me so much but it does. I wonder why... Maybe you can help me figure it out?


I just made a cake for my class! its amazing. I love the way it looks... Its a double chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and strawberry's and sprinkles... Comment some of your favorite cakes and recipes and maybe I'll make them... I really love cooking!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I love you!

I Love You!! <3


Today, my boyfriends cousin said that me and my boyfriend need to sleep together. Can you see how confusing that might be? We've been dating for almost 4 months. Amazing? I know. I really hope it really doesn't end. I can honestly say that I love him. especially because of how many times I've dated. That's him in my profile picture. Him me and my baby sister. That was before I dyed my hair and pierced my lip though.
His name is William.
When I see him, my heart stops. He's my world. His eyes are a amazingly beautiful shade of brown. His smile, well that's contagious! I wonder if he ever thinks about me when he's home... I hope so. Do you guys think we should sleep together? Only after 4 months? I don't know that answer for myself. Can you please help me figure it out? It would mean the world to me. Well, I'm going to go blog on my other blogs.

Part of my day.

More testing today, I'm sure I did good... I was the first one done today, it was writing. I stayed after school today to hang out with my boyfriend, he didn't stay though... Some people think that we need to sleep together already but I don't know. Hearts break that way. Anyway, today me and a group of my friends were at the park. Me and my little brother Terry played tether ball. I won three times and he won once. I got to go for now. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. :)